Art For Your Oceans: Art For Your World Feature Project, 2024

In this video Mollie Gupta, Seaweed Solutions Project Manager at WWF UK talks to us about the importance and versatility of seaweed in bringing our oceans back to life and tackling the climate crisis.

Listen to Artwise Curators Director, Laura Culpan introduce Art For Your Oceans and it's focus on seaweed.

Artist Emma Talbot speaks about her response to joining a WWF UK research trip to the Isle of Skye and Oban in Scotland to learn about the seaweed farming industry and its importance to future ocean health and climate mitigation.

Artist Harland Miller gives us a glimpse into his studio whilst talking about his involvement in Art For Your Oceans. Recently he joined a WWF UK led research trip to the Isle of Skye and Oban in Scotland to learn about the seaweed farming industry and its importance to future ocean health and climate mitigation.